About SSN
The Finnish Sámi Youth Association (SSN) is a Sámi youth advocacy organization founded in 1991 in Utsjoki Finland.
The aim of the association’s activities is to strengthen the identity of young Sámi people and increase their awareness of Sámi culture. The association aims to increase contact between Sámi youth, improve the status of the Sámi language and raise the profile of Sámi culture. The main activities of the association are various trainings, projects, events and political lobbying in matters concerning the Sámi youth. SSN’s area of operation is the whole of Finland and the primary target group is Sámi young people living in Finland.

The association has approximately 130 members. SSN offers its members the opportunity to participate in various events, such as the floorball Sámi Championships, indigenous seminars and the association’s annual meeting. SSN informs about its activities on its website, blog and Facebook page. The association finances its activities with membership fees, a general state grant and various project finances.
The highest decision-making power of the association is exercised by a five-member board. The chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary, two members of the board and alternates (5) are elected by personal election at the annual general meeting. All members who have paid the membership fee have the right to vote at the annual meeting. The activities of the association are open and each member has the opportunity to participate in the activities and stand for election in the elections to be held at the annual meeting.

The Board 2024
The Board consists of a chairperson, a vice-chairperson, a secretary and two full members, as well as a maximum of five alternate members. The treasurer may be a member of the board. The Board is elected for one year at a time at the annual meeting. The members who have paid the membership fee have the right to vote at the annual meeting. The Board meets at least five times a year. The board manages the association’s activities between meetings.