Suoma Sámi Nuorat - Finnish Sámi Youth
The Finnish Sámi Youth (SSN) is a Sámi youth advocacy organization founded in 1991 in Utsjoki Finland.
The aim of the association’s activities is to strengthen the identity of young Sámi people and increase their knowledge of Sámi culture. The association aims to increase contact between Sámi youth, improve the status of the Sámi language and raise the profile of Sámi culture. The main activities of the association are various trainings, projects, events and political lobbying in matters concerning the Sámi youth. SSN’s area of operation is the whole of Finland and the primary target group is Finnish Sámi young people.

Duohtavuođa- ja soabadankommišuvnna barggu ferte joatkit – Totuus- ja sovintokomission työn on jatkuttava
(suomeksi alla) Duohtavuođa- ja soabadankommišuvnna barggu ferte joatkit nu johtilit go vejolaš Sámediggi lea bivdán oassálastit ságastallamii duohtavuohta- ja soabadanproseassa birra, go proseassa bissehuvvui Sámedikki